Reflecting on Season 1 of Guild Wars 2 Pro League

Team PZ Season 1 Pro League

The Beginning of Season 1

The current roster for Team PZ was formed in the Fall of 2015 with one goal in mind; get to the season 1 finals of Guild Wars 2 Pro League and represent North America’s strengths in skill and competition.

We had a rough start heading into season 1 going 0:2 in our first two matches. After theorycrafting new team compositions, strategies, and discussing shot-calling we came back strong by winning every remaining game. The regular season ended with PZ going 5:2 and holding the 2nd seed slot for North America to advance to the season 1 LAN finals in Leicester, England.

Pro League Finals in England

Team PZ was confident going into the Pro League Finals and went in with the mindset of Dream Big, and of course, let’s win this.

The first and final set of matches were against Europe’s 1st seed, Rank Fifty Five, which was a tough eye-opener for the team for the team. The PvP patch shortly preceding the finals shifted the meta-game significantly, and Europe had shown up on their home turf with new strategies and team compositions that neither North American team in the tournament had anticipated.

Rank Fifty-Five went on to complete the tournament as the overall champions, which motivated Team PZ and the rest of North America to rally together and make a strong comeback in season 2.

What’s Next for Team PZ

Season 1 Pro League was the beginning of a new chapter for Team PZ and Guild Wars 2 competitive gaming as a whole. After debuting our new roster with exceptional results, we look to become the next powerhouse team and win over the hearts of new fans showing interest in the Guild Wars 2 PvP scene.

While off-season is underway, PZ is scrimming other North American teams and spending dozens of hours queueing in ranked PvP (and with promising results). The team has ambitions of being the 1st seed North American team in season 2, and we have big dreams of taking the title of champions at the next Pro League Finals a few months down the road.

Tune in to watch us play in season 2 of GW2 Pro League live on the official channel every Monday starting March 21st.

About The Publisher.Team PZ is a former pro Guild Wars 2 organization and avid contributor to Joingy. As an explanation, it’s a fast-paced site like Omegle or Chatroulette with full reviews of chat topics.

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